Day five update

So, I’m not done yet for the day, but I did write about 1800 words, for a new total of 15,161 words. I just finished what was supposed to be a throwaway filler scene, but ended up going for about 1100 words, and having some good stuff in it, and I’ve got another good scene coming up, one that should be fun for a lot of reasons. So I’m pleased. Will write more later–fully expect to finish at least 2500 words today, if not more.

Also, one of the neat things wordpress allows is the ability to see what people have been searching for when your blog comes up. Well, one of the ones it listed today was “thigh high socks,” which amuses me, but also really makes me want to write about socks. It’s my blog, so I may well end up writing about socks here sometime, but for now, I think Marie and Dexter may have to share my sock obsession. All I’ll say now is that I used to hate socks, pretty much until I stopped wearing the white socks you buy in packs and lose in the wash, and started a) knitting my own and then b) buying brightly colored knee-high and over-the-knee socks for derby. Socks are so much happier when they’re brightly colored and have fun patterns and textures.

(Ironically, I’m wearing plain white ankle socks as I write this–all my others are in the wash.)

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